Leo Bassi

“Trucchi e Misteri della Comunicazione in Strada" / "Requiem per l'Innocenza”

Leo Bassi
Leo Bassi presents two performances conceived as intellectual stimulation for his fellow travelers and an appeal to the public to remember the true meaning of the festival: the desire to laugh is the most powerful revolutionary force that exists! Tricks and mysteries of Communication on the Road: Lesson about the meaning and the political potential of the street artists for professional workers and for all the viewers. After six generations of continuous presence of his family on the squares, on the streets and in circuses all over the world, Leo Bassi, Jester and Clown, wants to stimulate the interest of the society in the deeper and humanist meaning of Street Art. Facing the mercantilist monopoly of the media and the dangerous concentration of the diffusion of ideas in the hands of a few large international groups, the street artist can be a true island of freedom...if he has the ability and consciousness. With this show Leo Bassi, leaning proudly to its tradition, wants to reply to this problem. Requiem for Innocence: A few months ago, Leo's sister, Joanna, a historic presence in the world of the circus, discover that their great-grandfather Giuseppe Bassi was taken up by the Lumière brothers in 1896 in 5 movies that are found in the archives of the foundation Lumière, viewable and in good condition! From these incredible documents, Leo Bassi presents a reflection on the profound change of the society in the last 120 years, and on the lost innocence of the civilization. In this show-conference that analyzes the significance of the change from a world of illusions and hopes, to another full of cynicism and constantly empty, Leo Bassi claimed the strength of the message of the libertarian Jester and the road. SUITABLE FOR: FROM 12 YEARS
Show: “Trucchi e Misteri della Comunicazione in Strada" / "Requiem per l'Innocenza”
Country: Spain
Genre: Philosopher clown
Email: bassi@leobassi.com,
Url: www.leobassi.com